Cve-2025-23397. Jenkins 2.441 and earlier, lts 2.426.2 and earlier does not disable a feature of its cli command parser that replaces an '@' character followed by a. This vulnerability can be exploited by sending an email to a target user.
Jenkins 2.441 and earlier, lts 2.426.2 and earlier does not disable a feature of its cli command parser that replaces an ‘@’ character followed by a. This vulnerability can be exploited by sending an email to a target user.
It Refers To The Loss Of.
This vulnerability can be exploited by sending an email to a target user.
Jenkins 2.441 And Earlier, Lts 2.426.2 And Earlier Does Not Disable A Feature Of Its Cli Command Parser That Replaces An '@' Character Followed By A.
This metric measures the impact to the availability of the impacted component resulting from a successfully exploited vulnerability.
Images References :
This Metric Measures The Impact To The Availability Of The Impacted Component Resulting From A Successfully Exploited Vulnerability.
This vulnerability can be exploited by sending an email to a target user.
Jenkins 2.441 And Earlier, Lts 2.426.2 And Earlier Does Not Disable A Feature Of Its Cli Command Parser That Replaces An '@' Character Followed By A.